Did you ever call a business just because they looked like they were doing something right?

I did this morning…and they matched their web presence…what a beautiful moment.

Looking for a new company to service my central vacuum system, of course, I went to Google.  Now, why didn’t I go to the folks I usually go to?  Rude receptionist…third degree…voicemail…you know the routine.

I call the company above.  The owner ANSWERS the phone.  He sounds totally inviting.  Now, unfortunately, he’s not in my area (I could have done a bit more thorough research…but then I wouldn’t have talked with him).

So, while I’m not going to do business with him, I compliment him on his site and suggest he adds a blog.  He tells me it’s at the bottom of the page — I suggest he adds it above the fold.  He says he’ll tell his webmistress (wife).  Family business!  And I could hear his appreciation for her in his voice.  Sweet!

I joke, you should give her a raise.  He laughs.  How many small business owners today are paying more to their employees than they take home? It’s a weird moment the first time that happens, then, as small business owners, we suck it up and keep plugging away.

So, hats off to every entrepreneur today — and to every entrepreneurial thinker out there wherever you are. 

Keep workin’ it!