Real Life Magic Leadership

For the Do-It-Yourself-er:

Identify the Real Life Magic Formula
that Makes It Possible for You to Map
Out Your Unique Selling Proposition,
Leverage Your Personal Business Style,
Budget for Success and See Your Path
to Bring Your Work to the World!


Dear Champion,

If you are someone prefers not to talk with anyone — you are a do-it-yourself, self-starter, read reports, listen to audios and take immediate action — then this package is for you.

You will receive the 10-minute online Core Values Assessment and the full report — your own personal guide to your innate, unchanging, wired-in nature. This proven tool shows you who you are underneath your personality and behavior and enables you to pursue what you love without trying to become anyone else or feeling like you have to be “better.”

As a 100% responsible, action-taking individual — you will be able to read and interpret for yourself more in-depth information about how you are wired for success when you receive the “Core Values” e-book — written by Lynn Taylor, who invented the Core Vales Index.

This package is designed for someone interested in or ready to start their own business — fresh! You’ve never done this before.

Or, you’ve been in business and want a new level of growth — and never taken the time in your business ventures to map out your own Unique Value Proposition. You are ready to take the time to learn, understand and leverage the unique qualities of your business leadership style.

The assorted worksheets you will receive have been used by thousands of start-up businesses as part of a private course that enables entrepreneurs to apply for loans. You’ll be sent one every week over five weeks – so you can take time to complete each.

Your “Business Vision Checklist” is a series of questions for your internal use to clarity your business concept and articulate your competitive advantages in certain areas. You will create the answers you want to questions you might not know you have!

The “Raising Money Checklist” is enables you to identify mission critical expenses you will need to consider. There’s a lot more detail when you’re creating your business plan; however, this list is a great start to stir up some of the items you may need to consider.

“Message Creation Q’s” prompts your thinking to prepare your marketing and sales plan with room to dream about the message you want to send, how you are positioning your company and what it could look like to have other people help you with selling your great idea, product or service!

“Leader Dynamics” is a worksheet — again, for your internal use only, that enables you to wrap up all the great information you created above into one place. Once you’ve completed all the steps above — and now, knowing your Core Values Index, you will feel excited to move your business into new levels of action and accountability!

The “Only You” Checklist — is the Primer you’ll complete after learning your Core Values Index. This six-page questionnaire is for your personal use and will be a document you’ll return to over and over again as you build your business, pursue your goals for family, community, health, lifestyle and networking. You’ll do this worksheet before all the others.

You’ll also be able to “eavesdrop” on private audio trainings – once a week over the five weeks — where you’ll be able to listen in on how to think about each checklist and hear what to look for as you answer the questions.

Finally, you’ll provide the best mailing address where you’ll reliably receive a gift from me. It’s called “Real Life Magic: A Little Book of Miracles from A to Z.” I conceived, wrote, designed and published it with you in mind — way before we met. Use it on your journey to create your business and life that you love and to add a little peace of mind to your day. Just pick a page, open it, read, reflect and carry on. No heavy lifting required.


Remember, this is the self-guided approach. If you’re someone who likes to talk things through — out loud — and get some feedback or just have a supportive ear — you’ll want to know about the next level where you get all the above and more!

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