1:1 with Penni

Prefer to talk your ideas through?
Engage in lively give-and-take to crystalize
your dreams, ideas and vision? Work 1:1
with Penni for a limited time to…

√ Create your next level of success;
√ Be Clear on Your Message 2 Market;
√ Know Who is Your “Next Best Hire;”
√ Begin to Build Products You Can Monetize.

This package is for the entrepreneur who likes and appreciates the give and take of having another high-level, experienced professional listen to their ideas, expand on concepts and appreciates accountability and tangible, time-based outcomes that move them forward.

You’ll get everything in the “Do-It-Myself” package — and, at the same time, in the five weeks that those worksheets are coming your way — you’ll schedule THREE separate calls with me.

The first is an online meeting where we review your CVI Results. If you’ve ever joined a gym, this is the difference between you figuring out how to work those machines versus having the ease of a trainer by your side explaining and showing you everything.

You’ll know what your CVI results mean to you, we’ll discuss the strategies and action steps that will lift you to your next level of success. One of the biggest challenges of any business owner is knowing how to hire the best person for your business. This one conversation alone has saved employers/entrepreneurs tens of thousands of dollars by knowing who NOT to hire and countless hours of interviewing the wrong people. You’ll also receive a recording for your private review afterward — allowing you to be totally present to the conversation and not consumed with writing notes!

One week later, we’ll get together on another call — this time, so you can share your exciting business vision and we can look at it through the lens of your CVI so you have a strategy to grow with the right people, vendors, contractors, etc. I’ll also learn more about you to prepare you for your RADIO interview that I will host and record for you. We’ll discuss your growth strategies for your business, outreach, marketing and public relations strategies.

In our third meeting, I’ll have my interviewer hat on and you’ll be the featured guest on my radio show. No worries, no nervousness and no need to prepare. You’ll have a recording of the interview to use in your marketing materials or for personal review – your choice. I have a talent (some call it a character quirk) to hear what makes you great and prompt you to talk about what you love so people hear the excitement and passion in you. In my experience, this can rarely be scripted or rehearsed. For some, it may be more of a message or brand exploration call that enables you to gain greater clarity about what you want to bring to the world.

During this interview, I likely will hear at least FIVE chapter titles that you could write about with your eyes closed. I promise, in my years of interviewing and coaching people, you have all you need inside you. You will begin to see that, or have confirmation of that after we talk. These chapters will be sent to you within one week of the interview.

I’m excited to offer this opportunity and don’t know how long I will actually make this available at this crazy low investment. Imagine five weeks from today — you know exactly how you are Wired for Profit; How to Grow Your Business Venture so it supports your life energy; Brand/Message Clarity; Product that you can use and repurpose (oh, that’s a bonus conversation — because I know I won’t be able to help myself!) and the start of the book that’s in your heart and soul.

Give yourself this gift. I have a lot to give and share that can make a difference for you. Join me now.


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