Success Wisdom from Jim Rohn

In memory of Jim Rohn, who passed away on December 5. A man of deep wisdom and uncommon sense, his website includes this passage: “We know Mr. Rohn is looking down on us at this very moment with a smile saying I did it, I gave it my all, I went for it, now it’s […]


E-mail Your No Bribe Success Stories!

I’ve had it. Today, another story about another government employee accused of taking a bribe. This one, Richard Lopez Razo, U.S. State Department employee. Let this be the official collection site for your stories — of how you’ve simply served constituents, how your commitment to serve has won out over nefarious offers where you could […]


Thank You to All Who Volunteer

Today, President Obama and former President George H.W. Bush gathered to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the Points of Light — an initiative created to inspire volunteerism nationwide and honor organizations and people already engaged in service. Click on the link to see one of many news articles on the Points of Light event. Soon […]


A Healthy Appointee is a Happy Appointee!

I know…we’ve all heard it before. Maybe today’s the day to begin to eat your way to a healthier you while you’re in the midst of changing the world. Two minutes, take a listen here: Eat Healthier And, here’s the full article — a quick read!,9171,1925998,00.html


Add New Fuel to Your Leadership Fire

Looking for some quick inspiration to keep you going today? You’re not alone. Don’t let the system getchya down! Below is an excerpt. For the full article, click here. Honoring You, Your Leadership & Your Service to Others, Penni The 10 Paradoxical Commandments of Government by Ken Miller (Governing Magazine) As the great change agent […]


Lessons from LinkedIn Founder

I know – you’re not an entrepreneur anymore.  You’re a government appointee.  Now, you’ve got fiefdoms.  You’ve got regulations and people who follow them to the ‘t.’  AND, we both know you’re an entrepreneur at heart.  So…consider that you can borrow these ideas from Reid Hoffman, founder of  LinkedIn: Find Ways to Reach People; Improve Users’ Lives; […]


Elizabeth Gilbert on Creativity

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