
Stressed out? Scientists recommend laughter yoga.

How laughter can lighten your workday
Growing up, “Readers Digest” was always in our home.  I especially loved “Laughter is the Best Medicine” segments.  After reading these short articles, I was usually smiling.

Working with my “Type A” personality, I’ve explored lot of ways to chill out, take a step back and lighten up.   Helpful items on the list include:

watching comedies
relaxation techniques
— meditation to chanting
— deep breathing
— singing or dancing

Now, scientists appear to be taking notice of our collective need to lighten up.  More studies are underway to explain why some of these modalities actually help.

Anyone tried laughter yoga?  What are some of your favorite stress buster techniques?


Create Your Company’s Culture on Purpose

So many people wondered how Wells Fargo could have created so many fake bank accounts over such a long period of time.  How did so many employees buy into the sales practices scandal?  Where was company leadership?

One short answer to a long series of questions and investigations — someone, somewhere in the company made it ok.

Here’s the one takeaway for you, as a business owner, CEO or person in charge:  You are in charge of your culture.  You get to create your company, division or department how you want to.  If there is a behavior that is unacceptable, bullies or steals from others, it’s up to you to do something about it.

That can be a hard thing to do when you have bills to pay, a roof to put over your head and all other financial obligations.

But at what cost?

Take time today to revisit the culture around you.  Here are three ways to get the conversation going, courtesy of Harvard Business Review.

Thank You to All Who Volunteer

Today, President Obama and former President George H.W. Bush gathered to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the Points of Light — an initiative created to inspire volunteerism nationwide and honor organizations and people already engaged in service. Click on the link to see one of many news articles on the Points of Light event.

Soon after Peggy Noonan penned the phrase in a speech by former President Bush, a few committed individuals worked to bring the vision to life. I’m proud to have served on that team, to meet people around the nation making a difference and thank all who were involved for the opportunity to shape something that continues to contribute and create — and honor those on the front lines of service across this great nation.

Volunteerism takes many forms: formal, informal or simply paying attention to those in your life to make them comfortable and being involved, present and engaged. Thank you.

Here’s to you…standing in the greatness of what’s possible!

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